2nd Dark Night in Zurich: Open Data Workshop
Together with Zentrum Karl der Grosse, the Chaos Computer Club Zurich (CCCZH) and the Digitale Gessellschaft Schweiz organized the 2nd Dark Night in Zurich.
I was asked to give a workshop about Open Data. The audience was very broad, from young to old, from novice to tech-savvy, but they all had very little knowledge about Open Data.
It was a very good expierence to try to explain the field of my work and one of my biggest private interests from the ground up.
My approach was to break down this very complicated topic in 5 areas and I tried to encourage the participants to actually "get their hands dirty" by diving into an open data portal. In the end, 60min is a very short time, but I hope I made a lasting impression and the topic of open data is no longer an "unknown" in their heads.
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