
As I already mentioned before, I'm not a big fan of E-Voting.

Last Monday, Parldigi invited to an event about E-Voting:

Grünenfelder warnte davor, dass Unterbrechungen die Verbreitung und Akzeptanz von E-Voting mehr gefährden als drohende Sicherheitsrisiken. Es sei darum notwendig, dass Bund, Kantone und die Bundeskanzlei das E-Voting und die Digitalisierung der Politik weiter vorantreiben. "Die Erfolgsgeschichte wird weitergehen", sagte Grünenfelder. "Allen Unkenrufen zum Trotz."

As long as we don't have an open source solution, that is accessible to everyone and which makes it possible for everyone to verify that their vote has been casted, we can stop all further discussions.

My fear is, that E-Voting will just be an accepted reality, without any discussions about it. I'm not against technology, by no means. But we need to have a discussion as a society what this means for us. And if we are okay with the consequences. Now is the time to discuss this. Not when all systems are in place and everybody already uses them. Or when they get hacked for the first time.

Update: Someone mentioned to me, that we have the option to vote by snail mail and that my critic is invalid, as this way of voting is just as bad, but already accepted. For the record: just because there is another way of casting my vote, that is equally bad and hard to control/verify, does not mean that the critic is invalid. It only means that we have to think about this other way as well. And that the critics may apply as well.

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