Brainfucked Logo
++++++++++[>++++++++++<-]>——-<++++++++++[»+++++++++++++«-]\ »———«+++++[»>++++++++++«<-]»>—-«<++++++++++[»»+++««-]\ »»++>+++++++++++++««<++++[»»»++++++++++«««-]»»»++++«.»\ [««<.»»>-]<.«<.«++[»»»+++++«««-]»»»[«.»-][-]«««++\ [»»»++++«««-]»»»-[««<.»»>-][-]«««++[»»»++++++++++«««-]\ »»»-[«.»-]««<….»>….«.»>.«<.»…»[-]«««++++++++++\ [»»»++++++++++«««-]»»»—.[-]«««++++++++++[»»»++++++++++++«««-]\ »»»+.«….<.>…….<.<.»….<.«—-.+++..»>……..<.>….\ <.<.»..«.»>.«<.»..»[-]«««++++++++[»»»++++++++++«««-]»»»-.\ [-]«««++++++++++[»»»++++++++++«««-]»»».+++++.«…<.«……»>.\ <.>.«.»…<.>…<.«—-.+++..»>….<.«…»>.<.>.«.»..«.»>.«<.».»\ [-]«««+++++[»»»++++++++++«««-]»»».—..++++.«..«.»…….«.»..\ «.»..«.<—-.+++..».>…<.«—-.+++»>..«.»….«.»..«.»..«.»>.«<.\ »…….«.»…«<.»>…«.»..«.»..«.».«<.»>.«<—-.+++..».>.<.>..«.\ »….«.»..«.»..«.»>.«<.»…….«.»..«.».«.»..«.»..«.»..«.».\ «<.>.»…«<—-.+++».>…«.»….«.»..«.»..«.»>.«<.»…….«.»\ …….«.»..«.»..«.»….«<..».>….«.»….«.»..«.»..«.»>.«<.»\ …….«.»…….«.».<.>…«.».«<..».>…….«.»….«.».<.>…«.»>.\ «<.»…….«.<…….>.>.>….«.>.>……….«.<….>.>.>….«.»>.«<.»»\ [-]«««++++[»»»++++++++++«««-]»»»++++[««<.»»>-]««.
Nice isn’t it?\ \ Well, but you’re asking what this is all? I will give you the related links as soon as my link-system is working. For now this little explanation should help you, otherwise google for “Brainfuck tutorial”.\ \ Brainfuck is a very small (esoteric) programming language. It was design by a Swiss guy with the aim to write the smallest possible compiler for a Turing-complete language (his size is about 240 bytes).\ \ And sure Brainfuck is Turing-complete.\ \ The context of the language is a large array with (depending on the compiler and/or interpreter) about 30’000 array cells (each cell will be initalized with 0).\ \ The 8 instructions:\ > change the pointer to the next cell\ < change the pointer to the last cell\ + increment the cell value\ - decrement the cell value\ [ begin of loop\ ] end of loop (a loop stops is the value of the actual cell is 0)\ , read a value (input) into the actual cell\ . Print out the ascii sign belonging to the cell value\ \ Depending on that I will print you my bf-code of above again, this time with comments and so on:
____________________________________________| ________ ____ || by / /| /\__ / /| || Odi /_______ / | / /\__ /___ / | || 2004 | | | |\__/ /\ | | | || | _ | | | _ \__/ / | | | || | | | | | | _| \/ | | | || | | | | __/ | | | || | | / | __/ | | / || |________ |/ |/ |____|/ | |____________________________________________|
Brainfuck Pendant (commentent):
FIRST PLACE IS THE FILL IN COUNTER PLACE\ \ ++++++++++[>++++++++++<-]>——- = 95 in 2nd place (ASCII for “_”) (pos:2)\ <++++++++++[»+++++++++++++«-]»——— = “|” (124) in 3th place (pos:3)\ «+++++[»>++++++++++«<-]»>—- = “/” (47) in 4th place (pos:4)\ «<++++++++++[»»+++««-]»»++ = SPACE (32) in 5th place (pos:5)\ >+++++++++++++ = “New Line” (13) in 6th place (pos:6)\ ««<++++[»»»++++++++++«««-]»»»++++ = 44 in 7th place (times to repeat “_”) Use as Counter place (pos:7)\ \ \ //START Line 1\ «. = Print SPACE at the beginning of line 1 (pos:5)\ » = Change Pointer to 7 (pos:7)\ [««<.»»>-] = Print 44 times “_” (pos:7)\ <. = Change to 6th place and print NewLine (pos:6)\ //END Line 1\ \ //START Line 2\ «<. = Change to 3th place; print “|” (pos:3)\ «++[»»»+++++«««-]»»» = Fill Counter with 10 (pos:7)\ [«.»-] = print 10 SPACE (pos:7)\ [-] = Clean 7th place to 0 (pos:7)\ «««++[»»»++++«««-]»»»- = Set counter place to 7 (pos:7)\ [««<.»»>-] = Print 8 “_” (pos:7)\ [-] = Clean 7th place to 0 (pos:7)\ «««++[»»»++++++++++«««-]»»»- = Set counter place to 19 (pos:7)\ [«.»-] = Print 19 SPACE (pos:7) \ ««<…. = Change to 2nd place; print 4 “_” (pos:2)\ »>…. = Change to 5th place: print 4 SPACE (pos:5)\ «. = Change to 3rd place: print “|” (pos:3)\ »>. = Change to 6th place: print NewLine (pos:6)\ //END Line 2\ \ \ //START Line 3\ «<. = Change to 3rd place; print “|” (pos:3)\ »… = Change to 5th place; print 3 SPACE (pos:5)\ »[-] = Clean 7th place (pos:7)\ ««« = Change pointer to 1 (pos:1)\ ++++++++++[»»»++++++++++«««-]»»»—. = Set 7th position to 98 (stands for “b”) and print it (pos:7)\ [-] = Clean 7th place (pos:7)\ ««« = Change pointer to 1 (pos:1)\ ++++++++++[»»»++++++++++++«««-]»»»+. = Set 7th position to 121 (stands for “y”) and print it (pos:7)\ «…. = Change to 5th place; print 4 SPACE (pos:5)\ <. = Change to 4th place; print “/” (pos:4)\ >……. = Print 8x SPACE (pos:5)\ <. = Print “/” (pos:4)\ <. = Print “|” (pos:3)\ »…. = Print 4 SPACE (pos:5)\ <. = Print “/” (pos:4)\ «—-. = Print “" (_{95} minus 3 = \{92}) (pos:2)\ +++.. = Print 2 “_” (pos:2)\ »>…….. = Print 8x SPACE (pos:5)\ <. = Print / (pos:4)\ >…. = Print 3 times SPACE (pos:5)\ <. = Print “/” (pos:4)\ <. = Print “|” (pos:3)\ ».. = Print SPACE (pos:5)\ «. = Print “|” (pos:3)\ »>. = Print NewLine (pos:6)\ //END Line 3\ \ //START Line 4\ «<. = Change to 3rd place; print “|” (pos:3)\ ».. = Change to 5th place; print 3 SPACE (pos:5)\ »[-] = Clean 7th place (pos:7)\ ««« = Change pointer to 1 (pos:1)\ ++++++++[»»»++++++++++«««-]»»»-. = Set 7th position to 79 (stands for “O”) and print it (pos:7)\ [-] = Clean 7th place (pos:7)\ ««« = Change pointer to 1 (pos:1)\ ++++++++++[»»»++++++++++«««-]»»». = Set 7th position to 100 (stands for “d”) and print it (pos:7)\ +++++. = Set 7th place to 105 (stands for “i) (pos:7)\ «… = Print 3 SPACE (pos:5)\ <. = print “/” (pos:4)\ «…… = Print 5 “_” (pos:2)\ »>. = Print a SPACE (pos:5)\ <. = Print “/” (pos:4)\ >. = Print SPACE (pos:5)\ «. = Print “|” (pos:3)\ »… = Print 3 SPACE (pos:5)\ <. = Print “/” (pos:4)\ >… = Print 3 SPACE (pos:5)\ <. = Print “/” (pos:4)\ «—-.+++ = Print “" (decrease “_” about 3 back to the orgin) (pos:2)\ .. = Print 2 “_” (pos:2)\ »>…. = Print 4 SPACE (pos:5)\ <. = Print a “/” (pos:4)\ «… = Print 2 “_” (pos:2)\ »>. = Print a SPACE (pos:5)\ <. = Print a “/” (pos:4)\ >. = Print a SPACE (pos:5)\ «. = Print a “|” (pos:3)\ ».. = Print SPACE (pos:5)\ «. = Print “|” (pos:3)\ »>. = Print NewLine (pos:6)\ //END Line 4\ \ //START Line 5\ «<. = Change to 3rd place; print “|” (pos:3)\ ». = Change to 5th place; print 3 SPACE (pos:5)\ »[-] = Clean 7th place (pos:7)\ ««« = change position to 1 (pos:1)\ +++++[»»»++++++++++«««-]»»». = Print “2” (50) (pos:7)\ —.. = Print 2x “0” (48) (pos:7)\ ++++. = Print “4” (52) (pos:7)\ «.. = Print 2 SPACE (pos:5)\ «. = Print a “|” (pos:3)\ »……. = Print 9x SPACE (pos:5)\ «. = Print a “|” (pos:3)\ ».. = Print a SPACE (pos:5)\ «. = Print a “|” (pos:3)\ ».. = Print 2x SPACE (pos:5)\ «. = Print a “|” (pos:3)\ <—-.+++ = Print a “" (pos:2)\ .. = Print 2x “_” (pos:2)\ ». = Print a “/” (pos:4)\ >… = Print 3x SPACE (pos:5)\ <. = Print a “/” (pos:4)\ «—-.+++ = Print a “" (pos:2)\ »>.. = Print 2x SPACE (pos:5)\ «. = Print a “|” (pos:3)\ »…. = Print 4x SPACE (pos:5)\ «. = Print a “|” (pos:3)\ ».. = Print 2x SPACE (pos:5)\ «. = Print a “|” (pos:3)\ ».. = Print 2x SPACE (pos:5)\ «. = Print a “|” (pos:3)\ »>. = Print NewLine (pos:6)\ //END Line 5\ \ //START Line 6\ «<. = Change to 3rd place; print “|” (pos:3)\ »……. = Change to 5th place; print 7x SPACE (pos:5)\ «. = Print a “|” (pos:3)\ »… = Print 3x SPACE (pos:5)\ «<. = Print a “_” (pos:2)\ »>… = Print 3x SPACE (pos:5)\ «. = Print a “|” (pos:3)\ ».. = Print a SPACE (pos:5)\ «. = Print a “|” (pos:3)\ ».. = Print 2x SPACE (pos:5)\ «. = Print a “|” (pos:3)\ ». = Print a SPACE (pos:5)\ «<. = Print a “_” (pos:2)\ »>. = Print a SPACE (pos:5)\ «<—-.+++ = Print a “" (pos:2)\ .. = Print 2x “_” (pos:2)\ ». = Print a “/” (pos:4)\ >. = Print a SPACE (pos:5)\ <. = Print a “/” (pos:4)\ >.. = Print 2x SPACE (pos:5)\ «. = Print a “|” (pos:3)\ »…. = Print 4x SPACE (pos:5)\ «. = Print a “|” (pos:3)\ ».. = Print 2x SPACE (pos:5)\ «. = Print a “|” (pos:3)\ ».. = Print 2x SPACE (pos:5)\ «. = Print a “|” (pos:3)\ »>. = Print NewLine (pos:6)\ //END Line 6\ \ //START Line 7\ «<. = Change to 3rd place; print “|” (pos:3)\ »……. = Change to 5th place; print 7x SPACE (pos:5)\ «. = Print a “|” (pos:3)\ ».. = Print 2x SPACE (pos:5)\ «. = Print a “|” (pos:3)\ ». = Print a SPACE (pos:5)\ «. = Print a “|” (pos:3)\ ».. = Print 2x SPACE (pos:5)\ «. = Print a “|” (pos:3)\ ».. = Print a SPACE (pos:5)\ «. = Print a “|” (pos:3)\ ».. = Print 2x SPACE (pos:5)\ «. = Print a “|” (pos:3)\ ». = Print a SPACE (pos:5)\ «<. = Print a “_” (pos:2)\ >. = Print a “|” (pos:3)\ »… = Print 3x SPACE (pos:5)\ «<—-.+++ = Print a “" (pos:2)\ ». = Print a “/” (pos:4)\ >… = Print 3x SPACE (pos:5)\ «. = Print a “|” (pos:3)\ »…. = Print 4x SPACE (pos:5)\ «. = Print a “|” (pos:3)\ ».. = Print 2x SPACE (pos:5)\ «. = Print a “|” (pos:3)\ ».. = Print 2x SPACE (pos:5)\ «. = Print a “|” (pos:3)\ »>. = Print NewLine (pos:6)\ //END Line 7\ \ //START Line 8\ «<. = Change to 3rd place; print “|” (pos:3)\ »……. = Change to 5th place; print 7x SPACE (pos:5)\ «. = Print a “|” (pos:3)\ »……. = Print 7x SPACE (pos:5)\ «. = Print a “|” (pos:3)\ ».. = Print a SPACE (pos:5)\ «. = Print a “|” (pos:3)\ ».. = Print 2x SPACE (pos:5)\ «. = Print a “|” (pos:3)\ »…. = Print 4x SPACE (pos:5)\ «<.. = Print 2x “_” (pos2)\ ». = Print a “/” (pos:4)\ >…. = Print 4x SPACE (pos:5)\ «. = Print a “|” (pos:3)\ »…. = Print 4x SPACE (pos:5)\ «. = Print a “|” (pos:3)\ ».. = Print 2x SPACE (pos:5)\ «. = Print a “|” (pos:3)\ ».. = Print 2x SPACE (pos:5)\ «. = Print a “|” (pos:3)\ »>. = Print NewLine (pos:6)\ //END Line 8\ \ //START Line 9\ «<. = Change to 3rd place; print “|” (pos:3)\ »……. = Change to 5th place; print 7x SPACE (pos:5)\ «. = Print a “|” (pos:3)\ »……. = Print 7x SPACE (pos:5)\ «. = Print a “|” (pos:3)\ ». = Print a SPACE (pos:5)\ <. = Print a “/” (pos:4)\ >… = Print 3x SPACE (pos:5)\ «. = Print a “|” (pos:3)\ ». = Print a SPACE (pos:5)\ «<.. = Print 2x “_” (pos2)\ ». = Print a “/” (pos:4)\ >……. = Print 7x SPACE (pos:5)\ «. = Print a “|” (pos:3)\ »…. = Print 4x SPACE (pos:5)\ «. = Print a “|” (pos:3)\ ». = Print a SPACE (pos:5)\ <. = Print a “/” (pos:4)\ >… = Print 3x SPACE (pos:5)\ «. = Print a “|” (pos:3)\ »>. = Print NewLine (pos:6)\ //END Line 9\ \ //START Line 10\ «<. = Change to 3rd place; print “|” (pos:3)\ »……. = Change to 5th place; print 7x SPACE (pos:5)\ «. = Print a “|” (pos:3)\ <……. = Print 7x “_” (pos:2)\ >. = Print a “|” (pos:3)\ >. = Print a “/” (pos:4)\ >…. = Print 4x SPACE (pos:5)\ «. = Print a “|” (pos:3)\ >. = Print a “/” (pos:4)\ >………. = Print 10x SPACE (pos:5)\ «. = Print a “|” (pos:3)\ <…. = Print 4x “_” (pos:2)\ >. = Print a “|” (pos:3)\ >. = Print a “/” (pos:4)\ >…. = Print 4x SPACE (pos:5)\ «. = Print a “|” (pos:3)\ »>. = Print NewLine (pos:6)\ //END Line 10\ \ //START Line 11\ «<. = Change to 3rd place; print “|” (pos:3)\ »»[-] = Clean 7th place (pos:7)\ «««++++[»»»++++++++++«««-]»»»++++ = 44 in 7th place (times to repeat “_”) Use as Counter place (pos:7)\ [««<.»»>-] = Print 44 times “_” (pos:7)\ ««. = Change to 3rd place and print “|” (pos:3)\ //END Line 11
Brainfucked wishes
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